Inspired by our customers we offer these helpful and supportive sets.
Sleep is so important, many of our aliments can be cured by ensuring a restful nights sleep. Sleeping well leads to clarity and focus on your day ahead, but when you have too many things on your mind focus can be difficult. Let our Maui made tinctures support you through the challenges life presents.
Our 3 tinctures in the Sleep, Clarity & Focus set will support you along the way.
Deep Sleep allows you to get the precious hours of rest you need.
Passionflower calms mental chatter/ active mind, giving you much needed calm clarity.
Ashwagandha enhances all aspects of cognitive function, supporting your focus and creativity. While balancing your central nervous system.
Tincture descriptions below:
Deep Sleep Tincture
Chamomile, Passionflower, Lavender, Valerian
Our proprietary blend of Maui grown herbs is designed to calm your mind and body, lulling you into a Deep Sleep. This potent combination of nervines and sedatives have a powerful effect on the central nervous and muscular systems. Working together, these herbs quiet the mental chatter and allow your muscles to relax, so you can fully recharge. Deep Sleep is fast acting, very helpful for middle of the night wakings, and does not have any grogginess or side effects that many sleep aids are known to have.
Suggested dosage:
Best to take 1-3 droppers sublingually, 20 minutes prior to bedtime. Keep by the bedside for night wakings. Can also be taken during the day to support the nervous system as needed for stress and anxiety.
Passionflower Tincture
Passionflower is a relaxing nervine, active on the central nervous system and very helpful at calming thought cycles and mental chatter. Useful at reducing anxiety and restless agitation, passionflower can be a great supportive herb when life gets busy. We grow and wild harvest our passionflower from the most pristine and wild places on Maui to ensure the medicine we make is high quality, unadulterated and potent.
Best to take 1-2 droppers sublingually, as needed to reduce anxiety. Take regularly to help reduce and prevent anxiety. Take during the day for anxiety and stress, take at night time to aid in a peaceful sleep.
Ashwagandha Tincture
A top adaptogen and important herb in ayurvedic medicine, Ashwagandha is an effective nervine and adrenal tonic. With thousands of years of use Ashwagandha can help reduce stress, anxiety, depression and exhaustion while boosting energy and recovery. Feel rejunivated with our organic Ashwagandha. Also touting immune boosting benefits, anti-inflammatory properties, and a boost to your thyroid function by supporting conversion of T4 to T3.
Suggested dosage:
Best to take sublingually, 1-3 dropperfuls, 2 times per day. May be added to water, tea and smoothies.
Hold the tincture under your tongue for up to one minute before swallowing to get full benefits. Since herbs can have a different effect on individual systems, dosage will vary. Start on the low end of the suggested dosage and slowly work your way up until you are feeling the desired effect.
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$75.00 Regular Price
$70.00Sale Price

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.
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